DAKAR CLASSIC – Jeddah – 29th  of December 2021
DAKAR – Jeddah – 30th  et 31st  of December 2021

1 – Where ? When ? How ?
A/ Location:
KING ABDULLAH SPORTS CITY (Gate 6) – Jeddah (See map attached)

B/ Schedule:
Wednesday, December 29th (Dakar Classic only)
12:45 pm                Administrative scrutineering reception
01:00 pm                Opening of the scrutineering
08.00 pm                Last calls

Thursday, December 30th (Dakar)
07:15 am                Administrative scrutineering reception
07:30 am                Opening of the scrutineering
19:30 pm                Last calls

Friday, December 31st (Dakar)
07:15 am                Administrative scrutineering reception
07:30 am                Opening of the scrutineering
08:00 pm                Last calls

C/ Introductions at the administrative checks:
You will find in your inscription area your downloadable time card with your convocation to pass the administrative checks and technical scrutineering, which you must comply with, on pain of financial penalties.

Reminder: Failure to respect the convocation times (administrative and technical) will incur financial penalties, in application of FIM and FIA regulations for the Dakar 2022. A Time Control will be put in place at the entrance of the waiting park.

Convocations take precedence over other events who can appear at the same time (private tests, catering, etc…).

The time card must be handed out at the entrance of the administrative Checks 15 min before the convocation time.

Bike / Quad: At the exit of the administrative checks (Final Administrative control), you will have a time limit of maximum 30 minutes, to present yourself at the TC at the entrance of the Waiting Park with your vehicle.

Cars / T3 / T4 / T5: Following FIA regulations, you have a time limit of 1,5 hour after your administrative checks to present yourself at the technical checks entry.

All assistance vehicles without stickers will have them on the unloading park. Race cars will be sticked during technical scrutineering.

We remind you that the waiting park is used to park the vehicles and in any case, it can be considered as an Assistance Park.

For all Dakar race vehicles, as soon as you will arrive at the unloading park, you have 30 minutes to present yourself to Marlink and ERTF to collect your safety equipment.

For all Dakar Classic race vehicles, as soon as you will arrive at the unloading park, you have 30 minutes to present yourself to Marlink and Tripy to collect your safety equipment.

For all assistance vehicles, as soon as you will arrive at the unloading park, you have 30 minutes to present yourself to Tripy to collect your safety equipment.

2 – What’s happening at the scrutineering?
This year, due to the health situation, the assistants and accompanying persons will not be able to access the administrative checks. Only race crews (drivers and co-drivers) and Team Managers will be able to access the administrative checks.

In order to limit the exchange of paper documents, we ask you to download all your administrative documents in your registration area. We remind you that you have to fill the technical form of your vehicle (for Cars / T3 / T4 / Trucks).

A/  List  of  compulsory  documents  (valid,  original)  and  elements  that  must  be download and/or presented:
❖  Bikes – Quads

Per person
Passport valid at least until 20/09/2022
Valid national motorbike driving licences
A 2022 international FIM pilot licence (to present)
Authorisation to race abroad (issued by their national federation – FMN) for FFM licence non-holder competitors (French Federation of Motorcycling) (to present)
Helmet (technical scrutineering) (to present)

Per machine
Registration card of the vehicle
Permission of the owner to use the machine, when he/she is not the pilot (to present) – only for vehicles no boarded in Marseille

❖  Cars – Trucks – Light Weight Vehicles
Per person
Passport valid at least until 20/09/2022
Valid national driving licence, corresponding to the category of vehicle entered
NB: for truck category, valid truck licence for at least 2 out of the 3 crew members
A 2022 international FIA competitor licence (to present)
Authorisation to race abroad (issued by their national federation – ASN) for FFSA licence non-holder competitors (French Federation of Motorsports) (to present)
Helmets, Hans systems, Fireproof overall suit, undergarments, socks, shoes (technical scrutineering)

Per vehicle
Registration card of the vehicle
Permission of the owner to use the machine when they aren’t part of the crew (to present) – only for vehicles no boarded in Marseille

❖  Dakar Classic
Per person
Passport valid at least until 20/09/2022
Valid national driving licence
NB: for truck category, valid truck licence for at least 2 out of the 3 crew members
A 2022 regularty national licence
Authorisation to race abroad (to present)
Helmet and race clothes (technical scrutineering) (to present)

Per machine
Registration card of the vehicle
Permission of the owner to use the machine – only for vehicles no boarded in Marseille

❖  Assistance
People registered in assistance will have to show the PCR test realised within the 24 hours after your arrival in the Kingdom, to access to the unloading park and will have to present themselves to Tripy to pick up the material.
We remind you that competitors who can not show all the documents will not be allowed in the technical scrutineering.

B/ List of compulsory stands:
Reception: in exchange with your time card, we will give you a scrutineering booklet per vehicle. We would like to remind you that this year, due to the health situation, the assistants will not be able to access the administrative checks. Only the complete race crews and Team Managers will have access to them.

Administrative: check of your file information, and presentation of your passport, visas (if necessary) and driving license. In order to limit the exchange of paper documents, please download these documents in your registration area.

Registration card of the vehicle: you must present the registration card of the vehicle as well as the permission of the owner to use the vehicle.

Axelerom: check of the customs formalities and exit option at the end of the rallye.

Accountancy: balance of your account

Licence (race categories only): presentation of the licence, signature of the bulletin and timings. You must list the vehicles that will assist you.

Sporting documents / Candidate declaration and environment: distribution of the sports documents. Endorsement of the candidate declaration and of the document of good conduct.

Iritrack and GPS-Sentinel Unik II/IV courses: This year, they will take place through a video support for BIKE and QUAD categories. For CARS / T3 T4 T5 categories, courses will take place physically during administrative scrutineering.

Electric vehicle safety courses: This mandatory stage for all competitors (Dakar, Dakar Classic) will take place physically during administrative scrutineering.

Medical: Medical Information

Studio Photo: catching of your photo (for the website and the official book) and presentation of the videos and photos offers.

Administrative final control: Pick up of your accreditation bracelet. For those in attendance, your accreditation bracelet will be collected at the unloading park upon presentation of your PCR test realised within the 24 hours after your arrival in Saoudi Arabia.


Distribution of Iritrack, GPS-Sentinel Unik II/IV, Distress beacon, Smalltrack (Bike/Quad): As soon as you arrive in the unloading park, and after the PCR test presentation, you’ll have to present yourself to Marlink, ERTF and/or Tripy to pick up your safety equipment.

Waiting Park: presentation of the time card. You must present your vehicle with the brackets and connections of the safety materials already fixed. Regulations reminder – The Iritrack and GPS must be connected directly to the battery so that they continue to function when the engine is stopped. If this is not the case the competitor must make their vehicle conform before passing technical scrutineering.

Check of good working, mounting of brackets and conformity of the Iritrack, Smalltrack, GPS-Sentinel Unik II/IV and Tripy: The vehicles which will be noted non-compliant won’t allowed to take the start.

Competitors in race must present the technical passport of the vehicle.
Helmet, undergarments and suit: check of the conformity.
Sticking: distribution and control of stickers for the vehicles not sticked.
Scrutineering: check of the technical conformity of your vehicle. You must present yourself with the holes ready for the seals (Car SSV & Truck Technical regulations art 24P2.1)
Survival  equipment:  you  must  present  all  the  safety  materials  mentioned  in regulations.
Final check: You must have all the stamps to pass the final check.

3 – Briefing
This year, the race briefing will be only available on digital format. He will be available on Thursday December, 30th at 07:00pm. As a reminder, it is mandatory that at least one member of each Race and Assistance crew follows this digital briefing!
Reminders of regulations –  Art. 18.5 of bike regulations and Art 11.2 of car regulations – Briefing: (…). The presence of at least one member of each Race and Service crew is compulsory (signature).

4 – Qualification stage
The roadbooks will be distributed 10 minutes before the start of each competitor.
Dakar competitors will participate to the qualification stage on Saturday January, 1st starting from 07:30 am between Jeddah and Ha’il.
Dakar Classic competitors will participate to the qualification stage on Saturday January, 1st starting from 07:30 am in Ha’il.

5 – Podium
Competitors will go on the podium on Saturday January, 1st starting. (Schedules to come)

6 – Contacts
To get any further information about regulation, contact the technical stewards:
Auto/SSV : Jean-Marc Peyrichou :
Camion: Lisette Becker :
Moto/Quad: Jordi Perez Soler :
Dakar Classic: André Olivier :

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