Next weekend in Saudi Arabia

What are your plans for next weekend? Anything exciting happening in your life, or just preparing to go to work on the 6th?

Well, there is something to look forward to, especially if you’re a Dakar competitor! You’ll be camping out in Jeddah, either in or close to the Dakar Village.

Dakar 2020 Dakar Village Jeddah

Competitors will start arriving. Scrutineering, technical checks, documents and more will keep them busy. Probably not much chance to be nervous, but surely adrenaline is pumping. Then, you would also wonder what the first stage will bring – you’ve surely seen this image already:

Stage 1 Dakar 2020

Straight away, you need to get your bearings because actually (well according to Google Maps) it should be rotated slightly to the left. Like so:

Google Maps

Cruising the Google Maps way, you will see it’s just a short 6h22m away. But your route is not that route!

Just remember, there are thousands of South Africans and many others behind all our Southern African pilots and co-pilots. So to all of you – we wish we could be there but we need to go work on Monday, but just know that we will be following and supporting. Leave the nail chewing to us.

From the Southern African Dakar Group with much love and best wishes.

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